Who is

Mr. Soglo

I am a 21 year old artist born and raised in North Carolina. I like to call myself a true creative artist because I am multi talented. The main mediums I enjoy using are acrylic paint, spray paint, paint sticks and oil pastels. My style is free abstract expressionism. I don’t box my self in to being only a painter, I am an artist and everything that comes with being that. Soglo means to allow your soul to glow. The soul glowing through the vessel and anything that can be expressed having the soul be a huge part of that expression. People ask me what is my inspiration in my art, and I tell them creativity in itself is what inspires me. To be able to create something from nothing.To create something that could never be re-created. Tapping into the true childlike creativity within myself and unleashing it and channeling god. I say channeling god because a lot of my creations I can get into a state where I feel as I am being guided and its not even me who is bringing the art to life. A truly beautiful thing to experience. I will inspire millions through my art and show the world just how powerful our inner creativity is.